(Русский здесь)
We have no term for non format, we have new heading instead. It will feature amateur photographers interviews. Photo works are supposed to be not so numerous than in exhibition section, on the other hand text and senses implied could be in times more. So those who are not fond of reading could push fast-forward button if the corresponding 'interview' tag is noticed.
We have no term for non format, we have new heading instead. It will feature amateur photographers interviews. Photo works are supposed to be not so numerous than in exhibition section, on the other hand text and senses implied could be in times more. So those who are not fond of reading could push fast-forward button if the corresponding 'interview' tag is noticed.
Here is a debut release. A talk with a good friend of mine. We had been working several years ago not that shoulder to shoulder but under the same roof in the field of storage batteries. Now he run a business of his own related to the equipment in the plastics industry. And more recently I found out that he is a passionate photographer. He'll tell his story himself and I'll try to help. It seemed extremely interesting to me maybe because it is rather close to my own.
Oops, supposed to be some problem with fast-forward as I have just laid out the photos in the text. J
Oops, supposed to be some problem with fast-forward as I have just laid out the photos in the text. J
So please welcome Alexey Avramchik.
Alexey first of all let's define your status as a photographer. More precisely will you define it yourself please? Is photography just a hobby for you or something greater? Have you ever done it for money? (Please stick to photography topic J)
As an illustration for this first paragraph let's place your auto-portait the most relevant for today. Again to define relevance is your responsibility as well so the picture could be of any age moreover it could depict even not you personally. J The main thing is your own sense of truth. (the auto-portrait is moved to the header)
Though it may sound corny, photography is becoming more and more sense of life for me. It is not that I am engaged in just that and see nothing else around. But I look at the world through the viewfinder and cutting the visible space into frames. I began to see world in another way.
Of course I'm an amateur and don't do it for money, but don't rule anything out as well. Success - is when you're ready for the chance presented. I still know very little in the field. But I am learning, I will learn fundamental things and do not rule out that someday it (photography) will become the main business of my life. And I'm sure the chance will be presented :) While I just love this.
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Ночной Анси, Этюд 7 / Annecy at Night, Study 7 (France, Annecy, 2012) |
You sound like a person who has come to this point through the viewfinder already in your mature state. You seemed to note previously Zenit and something else from much more earlier history. May be it is possible to make it public...
And one more. You touched on the extremely important topic for me though did not formulated directly. "Amateur", "Love this" I. e. the word "amateur" (in Russian: "lyubitel") is coming from "to love doing smth." (Russian: lyubit'). English "amateur" does not carry this sense at all. Hope professional status does not deprive a person of any portion of this love, though some of them are seemed to be prevented :) What would you say?
Yes you are right. The story began not yesterday but a bit earlier :). I changed a lot of cameras until got realized what exactly I need to take photos with pleasure. More precisely what exactly prevent me from this. The first one was Smena-8M. Those born in USSR don't need the explanation. Then a dream came true - Zenit-11 with a Helios-44 lens. This camera is a favorite one to be diminished by many of those who compare it with the worst samples of everything... Well, let God be their judge. Of course may be some Cannon or Nikon of that time was much more cooler.. But the dream was about Zenit. And we will not allow to dirty the dream! So at about 15 years of age I got a professional camera. At least I felt like that. And I realized that I did not like all this chemical processing. All the charm of beautiful negatives were drowning in developing and fixing solutions. It was so unbearably routine... And I did not meet a person who would help me to love it. And thus it subsided. Then there were 90-s, army service, survival after 1998. And generally everything was abandoned for the reasons distant from the fine art...
And during this time photographers (well, almost) switched to digital technology. And about 5 years ago I came across rather good compact camera NIKON Coolpix8700. And the soul demanded something. I began to try shooting, experimenting, but could not figure out what's wrong. In short, I met a man who for a couple of hours brought me back into photography, for which I am very grateful to him. He is an artist Konstantin Khudyakov. We still keep in touch. And when I find who I am in photography, I am sure he will help me again.
It happened pretty long :) By the way I remembered how we're debating about non-SLR digital and film photography. What exactly could be considered as classical one. So I'm going to try film one as well. And it is not difficult to guess - with Zenit. I'd like to compare finally :)
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Останкинская башня / Ostankino TV Tower (Russia, Moscow, 2011) |
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Хатынь. Этюд 11 (в стиле соцреализма) / Hatyn. Study 11 (with regard to socialist realism) (Belarus, Minsk region, 2012) |
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Место для раздумий о бесконечности / A Place to Think About Infinity (Italy, Lago di Garda - Lazise , 2011) |
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Russia, Gelendzhik, 2013 |
Yes, I was a happy owner of Zenit camera in former times... By the way could you show us something from that filmed history? Is there any survived?
And you are really lucky to meet a mentor. I.e. that such a person appeared near you. Think it is not just an occasion. :) I am not about to encourage you to resign since tomorrow... That is what I was going to ask about: does your work leave a place and time for your creative activity? it is not connected somehow to photography, is it? Though it seems I saw some industrial ornaments among your works is it about your work? :)
Yes some of those from Zenit did survived. But it is pure home photo. I'll show the scan as films are lost. There some interesting (to my mind) portraits.
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Антон / Anthony (Zenit-11, film, Moscow, 2000) |
Industrial views - mmm extremely romantic! )))
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Из серии "Заводы в деталях" Казань Этюд 2 / From the set "Factories in Detail" Kazan Study 2 (2011) |
And about this shooting experience 'on request but not for money' I'll be very thankful to listen to more complete version. Yes you may omit only 'once upon a time'. :)
Industrial theme emerged occasionally for want of anything better to do. And actually became the most demanded. I did convinced myself as well that it is cool. :)
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Из серии "Заводы в деталях" Сан Джорджио су Леньяно Этюд 8 / From the set "Factories in Detail" San Giorgio Su Legnano Study 8 |
Regarding the order. Somehow I showed the photos (industrial ones - my comment) to the head of the consulting company in the petrochemicals market. And they are supposed to etch in her memory. When the question appeared with some performance for the "Polymers of Russia" award she recalled. My portfolio seemed a bit scanty and monotonous and we decided that there should be more.
And I went through factories in search of fresh views. And there will be a payment, rather symbolic but I am interested in this exhibition more than anybody else :) I participated only in the exhibitions of Artists Union of Russia so far and this one will be the first albeit small but external event.
And I went through factories in search of fresh views. And there will be a payment, rather symbolic but I am interested in this exhibition more than anybody else :) I participated only in the exhibitions of Artists Union of Russia so far and this one will be the first albeit small but external event.
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Портал / Portal (Frankfurt, Germany, 2012) |
We may say that we are shooting for our own pleasure, but eventually we need recognition. And as much work you invest so great recognition you'll get.
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Дождь на Сакро Монте Этюд 5 (с ит. : святая гора) / Rain at Sacro Monte Study 5 (Italy, Varese, 2012) |
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Крест накрест / Crosswise (Chateau de Chillon, Switzerland, 2012) |
Now regarding the things I realized. If you look even briefly at my photographs you'll see. The most of them play with DOF or with rather long exposure. So compact cameras don't give such opportunities.
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Ночная Венеция, Этюд 4 / Venice at Night, Study 4 (Italy, Venice, 2011) |
We had to interrupt the conversationat at least for the benefit of this publication. Affairs were piling pauses were growing longer - we had to put even a comma J But we will continue at the first opportunity ...
And while you may look.
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Крест / Cross (Russia, Bogolyubovo, 2011) |
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Настоящий итальянец / L'Italiano vero (Russia, Moscow 2012) |
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Успенский собор, Этюд 3 / Uspensky Cathedral, Study 3 (Russia, Vladimir, 2011) |
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Из серии "Цветотени" Этюд 7 "Медь" / From the set "Colourshadows" Study 7 "Cuprum" |
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В круге жизни / In the Circle of Life (Switzerland, Montreaux, 2012) |
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Дождь на Сакро Монте Этюд 2 (с ит. : святая гора) / Rain at Sacro Monte Study 2 (Italy, Varese, 2012) |
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Женевское озеро Этюд 6 / Lac Léman Study 6 (2012) |
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Прогулки вокруг Альбервилля Этюд 4 / Walks Around Albertville Study 4 (2012) |
And a bit more from industrial theme:
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Из серии "Заводы в деталях" Казань Этюд 53 / From the set "Factories in Detail" Kazan Study 53 (2013) |
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Из серии "Заводы в деталях" Гомель Этюд 3 / From the set "Factories in Detail" Gomel Study 3 (2013) |
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Из серии "Заводы в деталях" Гомель Этюд 21 / From the set "Factories in Detail" Gomel Study 21 (2013) |
And that's all. Please proceed to the author's personal site enjoy other works.
Photos are published with permission of the author. All rights for images reserved Aexey Avramchik (c). 'Like' button is just below. And even lower you can leave your comment that will be obligatory read by the author (I'll take care of this)
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